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Aicksn donated supplies to fight Covid-19

Views : 75025
Update time : 2021-07-19 17:25:44
 Aicksn adheres to the heart of "support from all parties when it is difficult for one party", and actively responds to the government's call, starting from the company itself, and rushing to the front line of the epidemic fight!

In 2020,Aicksn Corporation donated 100 Aicksn water purifiers to Nan'an City, Fujian Province, with a total value of approximately 530,000 RMB.

The relevant person in charge of Fujian Aicksn Enterprise said: "At the moment of the epidemic, unity and fighting is what we need to do most. As an enterprise, we are very willing to do our part to fight the epidemic! "

"Together in the same boat to fight the epidemic" Aicksn Corporation sends donated materials to Nan'an


"Together in the same boat to fight the epidemic" Aicksn Corporation sends donated materials to Nan'an

Nan'an city staff registered and checked Aicksn water purifier

28 hospitals and health centers in Nan'an received water purifiers donated by Aicksn and put them into use.

After the formal inspection of these water purifiers, Nan'an City will distribute the water purifiers to all the lower-level anti-epidemic sites where they are needed, and Aicksn will install them on site.We are honored to have this opportunity to contribute our corporate strength to the fight against the epidemic!


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