Water purification industry information

Is drinking water filtered by a water purifier harmful to the body?

Views : 55294
Update time : 2021-12-17 14:09:16
   Seeing the white scale in the water, most people must feel that the water is not clean. Buy a water purifier to solve the problem, but many people find that even after installing the water purifier, the purified water still has scale. What is the problem?

   First: What exactly is "scale"?

   Scale is the soluble calcium salt and magnesium salt in the water that become insoluble calcium and magnesium salt after heating, which is called scale.

Many people call scaled water "hard water". In fact, the water filtered through the water purifier has actually filtered out the impurities in the water, but only retains the calcium and magnesium ions in the water, so we are passing through the metal The water boiled in a kettle or boiling water bottle, coupled with the chemical reaction formed between calcium and magnesium ions, will produce some scale. These are "mineral salt deposits", which is commonly known as "scale" and the scientific name "calcium carbonate/magnesium carbonate".

  Second: Does scale affect health?

   These substances are generally harmless to the body. These waters are rich in trace elements. Some of the trace elements that our body needs are taken in through drinking water, and 70% of the human body is occupied by water. How to maintain the functioning of the human body without these substances? Everyone buys water in the supermarket and basically buys mineral water. Few people buy pure water, right?

   If there is no appearance of scale, it means that it is most likely pure water or acidic water, which will take away the body's bone calcium, blood calcium and even other mineral elements when it undergoes our body's metabolism, which will cause us to lose minerals. element. As a result, the physique will gradually become acidic.

   Some people also say that if you drink too much water with scale, you will get fruit disease? In fact, I want to say that it has nothing to do with stone disease. The production of scale is a physical phenomenon after the water is boiled. Stone disease is a physiological phenomenon of the human body. There is absolutely no scientific basis for stones caused by drinking too much water that is scaled by the water purifier.

   Third: Is it possible to "replenish" calcium by drinking more water like this?

  Of course not. Drinking this kind of water will indeed take in slightly more calcium than purified water, but to say "supplement" is an exaggeration.

   The more scale, the higher the "hardness" of the water. Long-term use of this kind of water will cause damage to household appliances. Therefore, it is generally recommended to install a water purifier with softening function to soften the water quality in northern areas.
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